Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sugaring has Begun

There was quite a bit of activity in the shop this morning as Dad got to work repairing and upgrading the sap sled. The Sappers: Dad, Big Ben, or Little Sister pull the sled behind them on the snowmobile as they visit all the taps out in the woods. This little sled needs to be sturdy enough to pull the large buckets of glorious sap this spring.

Dad tapped the big silver maple in the door yard this morning to see if any sap was running. A steady drip fell into our buckets all day. Not enough to boil by any means, but enough to get excited. The greatest part about sugaring is bringing it in for the finishing boil and filling the house up with that sweet maple smell. We are looking forward to the sweet smell of success.

This is only a portion of all that is left of last years batch. There is a hearty gallon or more in the cupboard, plus the few we took out to sell. There is no specific grade to our syrup, and one batch differs greatly from the next; but for home grown, boiled, and process it's all tasty.

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