Thursday, March 1, 2012

First Day of Sugaring

A few days ago Jason went out and collected sap from our thirty taps. He happened to collect on a cold day and it was all frozen. He managed to get all the buckets emptied despite their frozen state and bring them back to the garage where it will be boiled down. We estimate (hard to do with frozen product) that we have about ten gallons to start. These ten gallons will be carefully boiled until it is reduced down to one quart. 

Today was our first boiling day and Dad spent most of the day getting the stove together and testing out a few additions to his wood furnace. The next time they go out to boil and it's sunny we will take some better pictures. Today we are in the middle of a slow moving snow storm and it was not the best day for taking photos.

1 comment:

vinny said...

The best Maple Syrup!