Saturday, July 7, 2012

Saturday Journal

The gardens are doing awesome. This is the best year that any of us have had in recent years. We have been weeding, tending, hoeing, hilling, watching, picking, and dancing a little dance of joy. Some of the squashes look a little on the small side, but I think they'll rally. Mom realized that she's been drowning the cucumbers on a regular basis and has moved the duck pool so that she'll stop doing that.

We have eaten peas twice now and it looks like we'll be able to eat them at least one more time before I have to pull them up. The blueberries are turning blue and we've eaten a few. Looks like our mornings and evenings will be spent picking them soon! Yum! There are small tomatoes, peppers, beans, and Brussels Sprouts; the top of the onions, carrots, beets, and turnips are looking great and so we are optimistic about a bountiful harvest. I'm not sure how the cabbage is doing, some of it is big, but I don't see anything forming in the middle. The Brussels Spouts have - ahem - sprouted but in this heat I don't think they'll do much.

The broilers are getting huge! We really hoped to do some swapping around this week but we ran out of roofing material for the duck house. Dad and Jason have Monday and Tuesday off so just maybe we'll get some of our birds swapped around. Our total bird count is 38: 15 layers, 12 broilers, 7 mystery mallard layers, and 4 Pekings. Three of the mystery mallards are going to a friends house, we are just raising them for her for a short time. The winter count of birds ought to be 21, maybe a few less if we decide to eat all the Pekings.

How is your garden doing? Feel free to leave a link to your blog!

Last weeks list:
  • weed
  • watch for bugs
  • weed
  • water when needed
  • weed
  • move layers to a tractor outside
This weeks lists:
  • weed: cabbage and tomatoes
  • water if it doesn't rain
  • continue to watch for bugs
  • replant cucumbers
  • move layers outside and Peking ducks to house

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