Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Farm Sitting

Jason's boss has a small dairy goat farm. He also does a lot of 4-H stuff. As a result they have accumulated a lot of animals. The problem when you have a lot of animals is that when  you go away you need to have someone come and care for them all. Luckily we don't live that far away and Jason was happy to help out. Twice a day over Labor Day week-end he'd go over and tend to: ducks, geese, sheep, dogs, goats, pigs, cattle, horses, and bunnies. 

Twice a day the goats would need to be milked. Thankfully the girls are old pros and didn't mind someone new caring for them.

And since no body died or ran away I'm sure he'll be asked to do it again. I think that there might be a dairy goat in our future, later though, not before we're ready.

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