Thursday, May 3, 2012

Farm Journal

It's been a rainy few weeks. Nothing much has changed around here in the garden. Nothing new was planted or fertilized. There was hope that the garden would be tilled one more time today and then potatoes planted on Friday, but everything is too soggy.
Instead of working in the garden the men are going to spend some "quality time together" working on a leaky roof and some more renovations in the bathroom. Jason has taken the upstairs bathroom mostly apart. They still need to rip off the walls and rip out the toilet and sink and then they will have a blank canvas to work from. Dad has picked up most of the parts over the past few years, at a deep discount of course, from his job at Lowes. The only thing left to do is to do it!
The pictures of the pear trees are all the same branch.  
Despite the rain and lack of sun the pears and blueberries are progressing. In the woods a little further north of us there was a hard enough frost to kill off the fiddle heads. Thankfully the trees and blues were not affected. I love looking out the window and seeing the pear tree almost in full bloom. I can almost taste the pear crisp, pear-sauce, and pear pie! 
I found some feral beasts outside warming in the sun on the one warm day we had this past week. I'm not sure if they are hunting rodents yet, I haven't seen any evidence. Henry has taken a bird out of the air in the past month (Mom saw him) but no one else has brought us any "presents".
Top Left to Right: Henry & Bullet
Bottom Left to Right: Jesse & Pheonix
Chicks will be here in a couple of weeks. I can't wait for that peeping box!

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