Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rusty the Lawn Mower

Most of the time he just hangs around munching grass, eating scraps of tasty bits the daycare kiddos toss at him, and rolling around in the mud. This past week, when it was rainy, he moonlighted as a lawn mower in the daycare yard. It spurred an idea in us, well hey, he could mow other parts of the lawn where the dandelions are taking over by the gardens: where it is too wet to bring a mower. We asked Little Sister to move the electric tape to put him near the gardens. Mom and Dad suggested that she use some of the daycare yard fence to keep him contained.

On Saturday Little Sister decided to give him a bit of a work out and made him run around in his yard for a few minutes. I walked through the gate (see photo below of the closed gate) and left the gate open (because we were walking in and out of it a lot). It was open wide enough that he could fit through, but it'd be a bit scary for him (I thought) and so he'd stay in his yard when she let him into his new munching spot. He loves the yellow demon flowers! 
She opened his fence and a very happy Rusty zipped in, slowed down just enough to get through the gate, and started munching in the freshly mowed daycare yard. The yard strewn with daycare toys that I felt certain that he'd either a) break a toy or b) hurt himself on. "Quick!" I yelled to Little Sister, "See if you can get him out of there before he gets hurt."

Well, he had different plans. He wanted to play, to prance, to dance, to run in the other direction, to leave divots in the hard, to place hoof marks everywhere (have I mentioned the rain?), but not to obey. She tried everything she could, even tempted him with tasty grain. Finally we had to give up and let him be. "He'll leave, once he realizes there's nothing left to eat."
About an hour later we peeked outside and sure enough and he was munching on dandilions right where he was supposed to be.

Foolish Horse.

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