hot peppers, pears, blueberries, peas
Brussels spouts, red cabbage, beans, tomatoes
onions, squash, beets, carrots
It seems like the warmer it gets outside the more work that needs to be done. A lot of weeding was accomplished last Sunday with a promise that this vacation week we'll get more done. It looks like the peas are done and I'll be picking and pulling those up this week. I feel so foolish that I forgot about them! I allowed them to get too big for eating raw, but I think they will be just as tastey cooked.
We received several mystery ducklings. They are some sort of laying breed. A cambell-mallard-runner cross maybe, who knows? The broilers have about 5 more weeks of life before Jason harvests them. We are hoping to get them outside for a bit of free ranging before that happens. Today a duck house is being built so the big ducks can go live outside in the pond and the little ducks can get out of the barn because they are stinky and messy. We did learn from our mistakes and they are where we could hose them down as needed.
List two weeks ago:
Keep an eye on the bugs- Re-plant potato, cucumber (looks like they are actually up so we didn't do this)
Fertilize onions, tomatoes, peppersWeed
This week(s) list:
- weed
- watch for bugs
- weed
- water when needed
- weed
- move layers to a tractor outside