Saturday, June 2, 2012

Saturday Journal

I cannot believe how the garden has changed in a week. Last week I had nothing to photograph, this week not true. The beans, some of the zucchini and summer squash, and the sunflowers are all up. The peas are growing fast and the other plants are looking great.

The chickens are changing almost daily. The broilers definitely weigh more than the layers. I think I have narrowed down the mystery chick to a bantam (Fluffernutter), it is still quite tiny and if I am right she* will only be about 2lbs fully grown. The deformed chick, Twig is doing great, it will be interesting to see if she will be able to get up to nesting boxes and roost, time will tell. Piglet is our smallest, not sure why she is so little, but it doesn't appear that she's being pushed out of the way to eat so I think she is just bitty. The men are hoping to get the ducks moved into the basement of the barn, boy are they messy!

We are mulching with the pine shavings used in the chicken brood box and in the ducks. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not. Anybody know for sure? From what I understand the shavings are high in acid which means that we will need to add more lime next spring. Everything is trial and error, like with the ducks who are on house number 3 or is it 4?

Last weeks list
  • Weed the peas
  • Mulch the strawberries
  • Plant pumpkins, squashes, cucumbers, potatoes, watermelon, turnip
This weeks list
  • Weed tomatoes
  • Hoe between the rows
  • Mulch Brussels Sprouts
  • Thin the beans
*I am of course, assuming that most of our chicks are female. We were told they are 90% female so hopefully we'll only have a couple of roosters


Elise said...

Yes ducks are messy!! We just adopted another one that is a week old.
I don't know about the pine shavings but the water they swim in makes things grow well!

little macaroon. said...

a chick called Piglet - LOVE THAT!